TSIG has been proudly representing the Tasmanian seed production industry since 2015.

  • TSIG is the Tasmanian Seed Industry Group Inc., a not-for-profit industry organisation based on the island state of Tasmania, Australia.

    TSIG was formed in 2015 as a key outcome of the 2014 Tasmanian Pasture Seed Conference, and is the peak industry body representing pasture and vegetable seed producers in Tasmania. TSIG members represent all levels of the Tasmanian seed industry, from farmers to agronomists, seed companies, seed testing, government and researchers. We exist solely to serve our members and to promote the Tasmanian seed industry.

    Our Group is run by a dedicated volunteer committee, comprising of pasture and vegetable seed growers and other industry participants, voted for by our members.

    We have been fortunate to have had a Project Officer since 2020, thanks to the generous support of our Sponsors and of the Tasmanian Government and the Department of Natural Resources and Environment through SIPP Grant funding.

  • Our goal at TSIG goal is to identify opportunities to support the continued growth of the seed production industry in Tasmania through profitable production and sustainable farming systems; seed quality and purity; and promoting industry communication and connection.

    We also conduct research into improving pasture and vegetable seed production, in-house and through research providers, funded through a voluntary contribution system paid by our members. Our research focuses on improved crop management and incorporating global best practices into everyday Tasmanian seed production.

  • Seed production is the commercial propagation of seeds saved for sowing purposes. We all rely on seeds for our survival, to supply us with food, feed for animal grazing, fibre and medicines. In Tasmania, TSIG members grow these seeds!

    Successful crop and pasture production starts with the seed. Many of the varieties our industry produces underpin the broader Australian crop and pasture-based livestock industries.

  • Seed production is a growing industry in Tasmania and the pasture and vegetable seed components of the industry alone had an estimated farm gate value exceeding $42 million in 2020-21, up from 2018-19. The Tasmanian seed industry has grown more than four-fold during the past 10-years and the area under production has grown by about 80%.

    Tasmania’s favourable climate, land suitability, irrigation and relative freedom from many pests and diseases has placed it on the map as a reliable seed production area with potential to increase further.

    We grow vegetable seed including onions, beets and carrots and pasture seeds including ryegrass, chicory and clover.

    Tasmania is globally competitive in the production of certified seed, seed grown under an evidence and field inspection based process, developed to ensure the genetic identity and purity of a seed variety. Certified seed gives farmers the advantage of knowing they are using consistently high quality seed growing the crops needed for our survival. Both certified and uncertified seed is produced in the State.

  • TSIG is a non-profit industry group funded through membership fees, a voluntary R&D levy paid by our members, sponsorship and grants.

    Anyone can support TSIG, through: